**ICLR 2024** Leaverging LLM to generate complex scenes in Zero-Shot.
**AAAI 2024**, **Oral** Self-structural Alignment of Foundational Models for Zero-Shot.
**NeurIPS 2023** Test-Time Alignment of Foundational Models for Zero-shot.
**ICCV 2023** Self-regularization for foundational vision-language models during fine-tuning.
**ICCV 2023** Spatio-temporal focal modulation for video recognition is an efficient network.
**ICCV 2023** Face anti-spoofing by adapting foundational vision-language models like CLIP.
**MICCAI 2023** Frequency domain adversarial training for robust medical segmentation.
**CVPR 2023** Adapting vision language Foundational models like CLIP for video recognition.
**CVPR 2023** Adversarial transfer of textually defined Makeup for facial privacy.
**CVPR 2023** Novel class discovery through prompting.